When did you first realize you were a spanko?

    • 52 posts
    July 1, 2019 7:52 AM PDT

    Mine started early on, I knew I was attracted the female backside and legs. But I’d say around 11-12 I was the boy in the neighborhood that would give them a birthday spanking. Some tolerated it, some laughed it off, where a couple of them showed other more positive signs. They tended to come around more often and want to do something that ended up with me in charge. I enjoyed it and watched very closely for all the signs and signals they gave off, which helped me hone my skills. I haven’t stopped spanking since and never will. So if any of you young ladies missed or never had a birthday spanking, just come over I’ll even get you a cake


  • July 1, 2019 8:22 AM PDT

    Can't remember when it happened for sure but it was in my late teens I became facinated by some of the old spanking magazines like Justice, Swish and Janus.  Later I found some video suppliers and later still the internet came along with a lot more access.  In my mid 20's I began to actively pursue spanking in real life but had an interest way before that.  Love the availability of movies and chat sites but I have to say I am not so sure the apparent increase in interest is all that real.

    I don't have an issue, as some do, with so called wannabies as if we are all honest we all were one once, it took me time to accept who I was and get involved and thats is the same for others (and should not be rushed!!) However, there are a lot of fakes on these sites who spoint it for all.  

    • 39 posts
    July 20, 2019 10:34 PM PDT
    I must have been about 6 when I got interested. I often saw my sister over my mums lap bawling her eyes out and trying to reach back. When my turn came I remember some excitement having my pants pulled down before I too was lifted otk to suffer the same fate. It hurt considerably of course.

    Puberty was interesting with spanking becoming my main interest for my ‘me time’. I dread to think how many tissues I got through.
    • 35 posts
    August 29, 2019 8:28 PM PDT

    It was in 3rd grade for me. My friend received an OTK paddling in class. During the spanking l felt sorrow for him and appreciated his embarrassment. A few days later my Mother gave me an OTK  bare bottom paddling to tears. Afterwards l found myself wanting to be spanked again.

    Spanking was ceared into my emotional make up then. I have been a Top my entire life but know the time is near to submit my bottom to a trusted woman.

    • 207 posts
    January 30, 2022 2:23 AM PST

    Oooo my how these real telling of their spanking childhood 

    I was born of a single Mother 1946 

    She switched me a little 

    But a neighbour used his Belt on my 9 year old bare bottom

    The when I was 10 years 9 months I had to go to a Boarding School in the city

    I was born in the country or rural Ireland 

    It was 1957 1964  after 3 weeks this old Religious Brother 80 years was retiring 

    After 3 weeks in the school He took me to his bedroom next to the Dormitory 

    Undid my buttons and had to pull down my very short tight trousers 

    We did not wear underpants till we were 13

    So my small bare bottom was over his lap knees he gave me six hard Spanks

    Saying if you are a naughty Boy in this school this is what will happen you

    Almost weekly even a few times I was spanked hard on my bare bottom each time

    Then the new Dean of Discipline A Religious Brother had leather straps made n designed to his liking, all Different in width, size shape thickness 

    He used them on my bare bottom and on the Bottoms of 70 boys Blind Visually impaired  boys,

    For seven years my bottom was beaten 

    Reading all of the above brought these years back to me

    I'm 75 years now and a spanker of bottoms

    • 2 posts
    May 27, 2022 9:33 PM PDT

    Almost as far back as I can remember. Definitely by age 4. 

    • 9 posts
    June 10, 2022 7:37 AM PDT

    In my teens. Hated it before that but tgen something changed