Searchign for members with common names

    • 45 posts
    December 26, 2022 12:31 PM PST

    When a member has a name that is fairly common, such as "fred" or "jane"  a search on the member name can be give many results, with no good way to find the particular one desired.

    If I  am chatting (IM'ing) with a member who has a fairly common name, and I
    want to send a follow-up email, perhaps to make a future date, or
    to send an image or a text, there doesn't seem to be any good way to do it.
    Going to "compose message" and just typing the member name in the
    box doesn't seem to work correctly. If I go to "members" and do a search,
    i may get many results. I can look through them for ones on my friend list, but cannot filter by friend status.
    Is there some way to go to the member page of a member with
    whom I am IM'ing? Or some other way
    to send such a member  a msg?



    This post was edited by Marcia Jones at December 26, 2022 12:49 PM PST